Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Starving people in Ohio and other evidence for liberalism

This is the intellectual hurdle required for believing that the United States needs a more aggressive social welfare system.


NPR actualy ran a story that quoted ACTUAL LIVE HUMANS who were willing to go down on record with their opinion that it was the CURRENT "recession" that was responsible for their recent financial troubles as a family, even though NONE OF THEM HAVE WORKED EVER, not five years ago, not ten years ago, and not twenty years ago.

Apparently NPR's fact checkers are getting a bit lazy because it took approximately two alert readers to realize the ridiculousness of this story. Too bad about half of the U.S. population still doesn't see it. It is physically impossible to go without the basic necessities of life in the United States, the heart of cold-hearted, ignorant and unrifined capitalism, as hard as bleeding heart jounalists would try to convince you otherwise.


All I can say is if you find that neither one of these links work, please GOOGLE 'starving Ohioans.'

Kudos to whoever is hiding the meat from them.

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