Friday, August 22, 2008

The horror of modern parenting

Helium is starting to get picky about letting people pick their own titles! I am not happy, but didn't want to save this on my computer because it would be instantly lost forever, not that it is treasure or anything.

I honestly don't know whether this is one of those things that we all say is getting worse and wasn't like that when we were young. But a terrible encounter with the product of modern parenting on my recent vacation made me think that it must be that a boundary of some kind was crossed in the way we have all been brought up. And much of the behavior of kids is eerily paralleled in the behavior of adults that don't like to get as good as they give.

On my recent trip through various hotels down the west coast I went to one of those racks of pamphlets and was looking at them. A child, a four year old blonde girl, came up to me and started aggressively bossing me around about what I was doing. At first she said, No, No! Probably she had been told not to touch the pamphlets, but probably not by her own parents.

Helium accepted this eventually, now I have to get all the personal stuff out of it eventually!

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