Monday, December 10, 2007


It is quite possible that I have this problem, at least in addition to some of my other ones.


JandS Morgan said...

I'll say compared to me you definitely have it :)

morganspice said...

Definitely a good thing for you. It is funny that this blog thing is not actually increasing how much I write by any stretch. And I don't even have either of my old hard drives they are at the shop, so there is about thirty years of it stored up. I swear I will get it labled properly so everyone doesn't feel they have to link through to all of it.

It is really fascinating, though, that for people like, me this forum actually improves my chances of being somewhat social about it--from 0 so it doesn't have to improve it very much. I used to do it for an audience of 0 and so this will be a great chance to think of others' response while I am writing and evaluate it based on them afterward.

In my brain there is really very little way to distinguish right now what would be interesting to others and what wouldn't so I am putting it all out there for now as an experiment but hopefully I will get better by judging the reception.

JandS Morgan said...

I'm really enjoying reading everyone's blogs because I feel like I'm getting to know everyone better. I think a side of people shows up that you don't normally see when just casually talking. It is a great outlet.

jph3 said...

very interesting. i've been feeling the urge to write too, perhaps my tempral lobe is changing.