Saturday, December 1, 2007

Thoughts on what make good pictures--other than containing my very photogenic husband

I was just browsing through some pics to find one obligatory photo for the first inaugural post and it made me think a bit about what makes a good picture.

It is hard not to make use of the 'line them up and pose' style of photos, otherwise they aren't too representative of everyone in your family. But those kind of pictures tend to have everyone offering very stilted expressions that don't tend to represent anything you really remember about your life and family members.
Some others I found that were interesting. One of them is of Sadie not smiling at all. The ones where she doesn't smile actually better reflect her facial features. When she smiles all the facial chub covers them.

Another pic is of Sadie and me taking a picture of a fireman poster that she made at school. She kept coming to me with this big awkward poster I didn't want to keep of a very generic fireman that she made on safety day. So dad suggested we take a picture of it. Now we have lots of pictures of random things she makes before we pitch them, which is a fairly good system. This one was funny because she was beaming and I was obviously not. I like pictures that capture events and emotions not just what the kids look like.

Also are anything funny to our circumstances, and not always flattering. I have pretty bad hair lately. When my health gets bad my hair gets so frizzy and exactly a random mix of straight and curly, unable to be straightened or done anything about. Slade and I both liked this picture of me for what it captured and what it didn't.

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morganspice said...
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